Saturday, March 14, 2015

Cottonwood Bark Carving

Well I haven't posted to much here in the last while and a long while it is. I have been doing more stuff on the club blog and some of it was my own. I figured it was time to post about my own carvings on my this blog. So here are a couple of my recent carvings. The inspiration for these carvings comes from my fellow club members. They have ask me to teach a course on Cottonwood Bark carving. So with the help of my good friend and fellow carver Larry we have been advising club members on how to build a house that a hobbit would be proud to live in. Here are two small houses that I carved as we went along with demonstrations of the various elements that could be included in a Bark home. I used the pieces that no else seemed to want because they seemed too small or flawed. They turned out all right.

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